The Fairy Exits: photography and fiction by William Leith in Quail Bell Magazine

In “The Fairy Exits,” William Leith turned me into a whirling dervish fairy with his photography genius and wrote a fanciful flash fiction to match for Quail Bell Magazine. Let me tell you, modeling for this shot was super fun. Lots of twirling lights and nocturnal fairy business.



“The Fairy Exits” by William Leith. Click the image for the full story in Quail Bell Magazine!

It all started with a chickadee


Click the chickadee to read The Poet Time origin myth in Quail Bell Magazine, myth by William Leith and chickadee by Leonard Reidy. It’s ridic cute. We think she’s so cute in fact that we’ve asked chickadee to be our new mascot. She’s agreed, but she demands a very high salary of millet and fine wine. Kind of a diva, this one.

If you’re into it, like The Poet Time and Quail Bell Magazine on Facebook. Thanks!





Dear readers,

I’d like to announce the launch of one of my new side projects, co-founded with the infamous and captivating William J. Leith, The Poet Time video blog! Think of it an ongoing e-reading series. Our mission is to bring the visual and audio magic of oratory performance to a wide audience. And we are seeking submissions from poets and short prose writers alike! Please check out our Submission Guidelines and get going. We want to see your magic!