Quail news: new poem, staff writer, Twitter presence, and a call for book reviews!

1. I wrote this creepy poem just for you! “Window” just came out in Quail Bell Magazine.

2. Speaking of which, Quail Bell just came out with two anthologies packed with poems, fairy tales, short stories, artwork, comics, essays, and articles. If you’re interested in reviewing Airborne: an Anthology of the Real and/or The Nest: an Anthology of the Unreal, for any journal, magazine, ezine, etc. that you’re affiliated with, let me know and I’ll hit you up with the galleys.




Take a look at the Quail Bell Magazine Mission Statement (and the magazine itself, of course) to get a sense of us.

3. I’m officially a Quail Bell Staff Writer. Look at my face! My Quail Bell face!

4. Quail Bell(es) have been tearing up Twitter. Check out the recap of what we’ve been up to here! And #RealGypsyWarrior got some love. 



Image from https://twitter.com/JSReidy


I numbered them all because they’re that important!